Discover our Hip & Groin Clinic

Take control of your hip and groin pain now

Hip and/or groin pain can be extremely debilitating and may dramatically affect your daily life. It is a ball and socket joint meaning it has a lot of movement but this means it requires a lot of stability from other structures making it susceptible to injury.
Osteaoarthritis of the hip is the most common hip complaint within the UK. For many people they hear this diagnosis and think they just have to live with it, however, there are many ways physiotherapy can help. We focus a lot on strengthening up the muscles around the hip joint to provide support and can use manual therapy techniques to ease associated pain so never be under the impression that you should just grin and bear it.
The hip is also regularly involved in many sporting injuries and traumas. There can be multiple reasons for this and here at Balanced our therapists will do multiple tests and assessments to get to the root of your issue and work out a treatment plan to get you back to the sport or activity you love. If we feel that you need diagnostic imaging or a referral to a hip specialist we will do that for you quickly and efficiently as we have a great rapport with NHS and private specialists.

Great reasons to see us

1. We have therapists with extensive experience in diagnosing the cause of your hip and/or groin pain.
2. Your therapist will carry out a full and thorough assessment of your unique hip and/or groin problem and identify what path is best suited to get you back to full fitness whether it be physio, pilates or an onward referral for diagnostic imaging or to see a specialist consultant.
3. We have our own shockwave machine which can be extremely beneficial in treating certain hip conditions such as greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS).
4. We have regular continuous professional development (CPD) available for all of our therapists to keep them up to date with the latest research and developments in the field.

Typical hip and groin injuries we treat

Here’s an idea of some of the conditions we treat or can refer onwards to the correct specialist:
Hip osteoarthritis
Groin (adductor) strain
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS)
Gluteal tendinosis
Inguinal hernia/sportsmans hernia
Hip flexor strain
Labral tear
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)
Hip dysplasia
Piriformis syndrome
SIJ dysfunction
Trapped nerve

The key to finding the right solution

If you’re on the lookout for a professional who will help get you pain free as quickly as possible, you’re in the right place. Our therapists will give you a thorough physical check-up and will provide the right treatment to get to the root of your hip and groin pain problem. We will work with you to provide a treatment plan giving you the confidence to move safely again. You’ll get all the answers you need to reassure you about your hip and groin pain, alongside accurate, professional advice. In short, at Balanced, we’re here to help get you pain free in the best possible way and in the shortest time possible.

We do this by:
• Carrying out an assessment of your hip joint complex and pelvis
• Making a functional assessment which will look at specific movements that affect your problem
• Making a thorough and accurate diagnosis
• Recommending treatment that addresses the underlying problem and helps prevent future reoccurrence
• Providing advice on exercise that is safe for your condition

Working with us

You can read all about the personal journeys our therapists took below. In a nutshell, our dedicated therapists are trained and specialised in the treatment of hip and groin pain and have experience in getting you back to living the life you want to live as quickly as possible.
In short, we really “get” hip and groin pain problems and the impact that hip and groin pain has on your life.

The way we treat you

We’ll accurately assess your hip and groin pain to help pinpoint the cause of your problem. We’ll provide soft tissue release to relieve the tight areas as well as carrying out joint mobilisations to improve your flexibility. The work we do will promote tissue healing and improve blood flow around the body. In a nutshell, we’ll free you of your debilitating pain as quickly and as effectively as we possibly can.
Find out what will happen during your first visit and how much it costs. There’s no need to spend another day in pain; help is available, right here, right now.

Book your Appointment Now

See our treatments that help to decide which course of action to take. If you are not sure call us to make your appointment 0131 315 3105 or email

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