Discover our Shoulder Clinic

Take control of your shoulder pain now

Shoulder pain is one of the biggest reasons for people seeking treatment for Musculo-skeletal injury. Part of the reason for this is that the shoulder joint is the most mobile in the human body giving it an incredible array of functional capabilities BUT also leaving it susceptible to injury. A lot us take for granted the crucial role that our shoulder play in day to day living including getting dressed, sleeping, cooking, driving, working at a screen and not to mention sports such as tennis, golf, climbing etc etc. It is often not until we are suffering from pain that we realise how much we rely on having a healthy shoulder.

Diagnosis is Key

Diagnosis is crucial in finding the best way to treat shoulder pain. Different injuries require very different management so knowing what is causing the pain allows you to know when to push your shoulder or indeed, when to rest.
Pain in the shoulder can originate from joint, bone, tendon or muscle. Did you know that shoulder pain could also originate from the neck or upper back? Nerves also play an important role in pain from the shoulder.

Great reasons to see us

1.We have therapists with extensive experience in assessing and treating shoulder pain
2.Our therapists are experts at establishing the root cause of the problem
3.They are highly skilled in pain relieving modalities including manual therapy, strapping, acupuncture, massage and more.
4.We have a team of skilled massage therapists to help you work on more chronic tension in your back and shoulders.
5.We are able to refer on for imaging or further investigation, where appropriate.

Typical Shoulder injuries we treat

Rotator cuff injury
Acute shoulder trauma
Post-operative shoulder conditions
Acromio clavicular join (ACJ) pain.
Muscle imbalances
Trapped nerve
Neck pain and problems

Finding the solution

If you’re on the lookout for a professional who will help get you pain free as quickly as possible, you’re in the right place. Our therapists will give you a thorough physical check-up and will provide the right treatment to get to the root of your shoulder problem. We will work with you to improve strength, mobility and function. If you are having problems with any aspect of shoulder function, we’ll address those as well as giving you guidance on exercising safely. You’ll get all the answers you need to reassure you about your shoulder pain, alongside accurate, professional advice. In short, at Balanced we’re here to help get you pain free in the best possible way and in the shortest time possible.

We do this by:

• Carrying out an assessment of your Shoulder alongside a neck and upper limb assessment.

• Making a functional assessment which will look at specific movements that affect your problem

• Making a thorough and accurate diagnosis

• Recommending treatment that addresses the underlying problem and helps prevent future reoccurrence

• Providing advice on exercise that is safe for your condition

Working with us

You can read all about the personal journeys our therapists took below. In a nutshell, our dedicated therapists are trained and specialised in the treatment of Shoulder and have experience in getting you back to living the life you want to live as quickly as possible.
In short, we really “get” shoulder pain problems and the impact that shoulder pain has on your life.

The way we treat you

We’ll accurately assess your shoulder pain to help pinpoint the cause of your problem. Early appropriate management will be discussed at your first appointment and treatment will be based around your specific ambitions and goals. This could be playing a game of squash or just getting a good nights sleep!
Manual therapy to mobilise the joint and release soft tissue tightness is often beneficial with shoulder injuries and these will be discussed with you. Also advice on self-management, strengthening and mobility drills and lifestyle factors are an important aspect of reaching a full resolution.
We will take every step necessary to facilitate a full recovery of your shoulder pain.
Find out what will happen during your first visit and how much it costs. There’s no need to spend another day in pain; help is available, right here, right now.

Book your Appointment Now

See our treatments that help to decide which course of action to take. If you are not sure call us to make your appointment 0131 315 3105 or email

Treatments that help